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Uršič, L. in Puklek Levpušček, M. (2020). Učenci zadnje triade OŠ in dijaki o učenju na daljavo med epidemijo COVID-19. V Ž. Lep in K. Hacin Beyazoglu (ur.), Psihologija pandemije: posamezniki in družba v času koronske krize (str. 191-203). Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.

Puklek Levpušček, M. in Uršič, L. (2021). Slovenian parents’ views on emergency remote schooling during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. CEPS journal, 11, 263-290.

Žmavc, J., Autor, S., Gril, A. (2020). “Tudi mama se vam zahvaljuje in vas pozdravlja” – Pedagoški proces z otroki priseljencev med epidemijo covida-19. Sodobna pedagogika, 71(137), 4, str. 58-74. ISSN 0038-0474. . [COBISS.SI-ID 44430339].

Gril, A., Autor, S., Žmavc, J. (2022). Učenci s priseljenskim ozadjem pri pouku na daljavo v drugem valu epidemije bolezni Covid-19 v Sloveniji. Dve domovini : razprave o izseljenstvu, 56, str. 169-185. ISSN 0353-6777., DOI: 10.3986/dd.2022.2.12. [COBISS.SI-ID 116307971]

Emotional and behavioral reactions

Lanz, M., Sorgente, A., Vosylis, R., Fonesca, G., Lep, Ž., Li, L., Zupančič, M., Crespo, C., Relvas, A. P. in Serido, J. (2021). A Cross-national study of COVID-19 impact and future possibilities among emerging adults. Emerging Adulthood., DOI: 10.1177/21676968211046071.

Lep, Ž. in Zupančič, M. (2020). Zdaj pa še korona: skrbi mladih na prehodu v odraslost v času tveganj, povezanih z epidemijo COVID-19. V: Ž. Lep in K. Hacin Beyazoglu (ur.), Psihologija pandemije: posamezniki in družba v času koronske krize. 1. izd. (str. 67-78). Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.

Li, L., Serido, J., Vosylis, R., Sorgente, A., Lep, Ž., Zhang, Y., Fonseca, G., Crespo, C., Relvas, A. P., Zupančič, M. in Lanz, M. (2023). Employment disruption and wellbeing among young adults: A cross-national study of perceived impact of the COVID-19 lockdown. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14, 991–1012. [COBISS.SI-ID 142256131]

Puklek Levpušček, M. in Poredoš, M. (2022). Difficulties in the close social relationships of Slovenian students during the Covid-19 pandemic. CEPS journal. Doi:

Zager Kocjan, G., Kavčič, T. in Avsec, A. (2021). Resilience matters: Explaining the association between personality and psychological functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 21, 100198.

Kavčič, T., Avsec, A. in Zager Kocjan, G. (2021). Psychological functioning of Slovene adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: Does resilience matter?. Psychiatric Quarterly, 92, 207-216.

Kavčič, T., Avsec, A. in Zager Kocjan, G. (2022). Coping profiles and their association with psychological functioning: A latent profile analysis of coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences, 185, 111287.

Avsec, A., Eisenback, N., Carreno, D. F., Zager Kocjan, G. in Kavčič, T. (2022). Coping styles mediate the association between psychological inflexibility and psychological functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A crucial role of meaning-centered coping. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 26, 201-209.

Eisenbeck, N., Avsec, A., Zager Kocjan, G., Kavčič, T., et al. (2021). An international study on psychological coping during COVID-19: Towards a meaning-centered coping style. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 22, 100198.

Avsec, A., Zager Kocjan, G. in Kavčič, T. (2021). COVID-19 lockdown distress, but not the infection concerns, shape psychological functioning during the pandemic: The mediating role of basic psychological needs. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 62, 717–724.

Conway, L. G., …., Lep, Ž., …, Zupančič, M. idr. (2022). How culturally unique are pandemic effects? Evaluating cultural similarities and differences in effects of age, biological sex, and political beliefs on COVID impacts, Frontiers in Psychology, section Cultural Psychology. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.937211

Sorgente, A., Fonseca, G., Lep, Ž., Li, L., Serido, J., Rimantas, V., Crespo, C., Relvas, A. P., Zupančič, M. in Lanz, M. (2022). Profiles of emerging adults’ resilience facing the negative impact of COVID-19 across six countries. Current Psychology.